This week was my thirty-second week, and I have a lot of catching up to do. There were three appointments this week, well, technically two, since one of them occurred last week but I didn't have a chance to post about it.
First was a consultation with one of the Neonatologists at the NICU in the hospital where I'll be delivering. This was basic protocol recommended by my OB, to be prepared if one or both of the babies ended up there. Overall she was very positive about my situation after she reviewed my history. She went over what basic events would land the babies in the NICU, what would happen while they were there, generally, and what 'tests' they need to pass in order to go home or go to the well-baby nursery. The bottom line is that twins born 35 weeks or farther that weigh more then 4.5 lbs. will have a good chance of skipping the NICU if there are no other complications. We are very close. I'll know what the babies weigh this Monday, when I go for my next level II ultrasound.
The next appointment was with the OB for my routine check-up. Blood pressure was good, 120/68, I think. It was good enough to get a comment out of the girl who took it, she was surprised that it would be so good after a holiday. Guess that means I didn't pig out. I did gain a bit more than I expected since my last appointment. Six pounds, which brings total weight gain so far to 43 lbs. This was not commented on by the doctor, so I'll try not to worry about it. I think I am being lulled into a false sense of security by the fact that I don't have any stretch marks yet. It may be a matter of time, but it is enough to distract me from all the weight I've gained. There was a quick ultrasound to see the heartbeats and the positions of the babies. Same as before, baby A is head down and baby B is doing whatever he pleases. This prompted a discussion of which potential mode of delivery I'm in for, and the doctor puts me at a 50% chance of either a c-section or vag delivery. OK, wait and see.
The third appointment was the first of my Non-Stress Tests, which begin weekly until delivery. One monitor for each baby and one for my uterus. The babies were tricky and the nurse had to hold the monitors in place to keep the babies on. They were fine, of course. My uterus, however, was 'irritable.' Wouldn't you be, too? I was sent home with instructions to take it easy and drink more water. Ugh, I'm really getting tired of water. When I was in basic training we would have to drink an entire canteen full of water after PT every morning, as fast as possible. To prove we drank it all we had to hold it upside down over our heads, showing it was empty. I kind of feel like that.
Overall I am doing ok. I have started to get the dreaded swelling in my hands and feet, especially on humid days, and my joints have started to ache, especially in my fingers. Heartburn is waking me up during the night, making Tums a permanent fixture on my nightstand. I feel like I'm getting bigger every day, and more physically tired.
We are very close to having the nursery finished. The crib and the dresser/changing table are set up. I will post pictures when it is more presentable.