The babies had their nine month well visit last Wednesday. Overall the appointment went well. Unfortunately Z couldn’t come to this one but my daycare provider was super nice and filled in. I may be ready for certain things, like running onto a grenade range holding two live grenades to my chest (“Right handed Drill Sergeant, RIGHT HANDED!”), but dealing with two babies by myself while they get their shots is NOT one of them. It turns out I could have relaxed a bit, Anna didn’t cry when she got her shot. Such a big girl!
There’s not a whole lot to report except, WOW, I can’t believe they are nine months old already. They have officially exceeded their gestation. I’m so unbelievably busy, each day flies by. We made plans to go to the Outer Banks in August and I was worried that it was so far in advance I wouldn’t be able to wait that long, but at this rate I’ll be scrambling to get everything ready in time!
I also have a new laptop, and just installed Adobe Photoshop Elements. I’ve been playing with it tonight with some recent pictures of Anna, doing her Downward Dog Yoga move she’s been showing off lately. Alex has really taken to crawling, motoring around while Anna seems to have stalled and shifted to trying to stand up. But instead of moving to furniture to pull herself up, she’s making the attempt to get her legs under her and stand up on her own. It make take her longer that way, but she’s pretty stubborn. Meanwhile Alex has been pulling himself up everywhere possible.
With the new outbreak of mobility has come “the corral.” We bought a portable play area to set up, so now our living room looks more like a petting zoo. The results are mixed. Alex is lukewarm and Anna is leaning towards a veto. Shocking. I’ll have to post some pictures of it later, I don’t have any downloaded just yet. I’m still in denial that it exists.
Below is the picture I’ve been working on in Elements. At this point I don’t even know what I did, but I loved using all the different tools.

An update on Anna’s sleep training: on target. There’s a bit of fussing during the first ten minutes, I think that may always happen, but overall it worked. I had two experienced moms tell me it would, and I’m glad I finally put my foot down and tried it. While talking to my sister I told her the best thing to come out of it (for me) is the validation in parenting. Some people might argue that point, sleep training isn’t for everyone, but it was the best thing I could do for my family and for Anna. And the biggest roadblock of all, Z, said to me, “You know, she’s crying less now,” pause, “you’re right to do this, I’m proud of you.” It may sound like he’s being patronizing, but it’s just his style of speech. This was a big deal for him to say, and for me to hear. Out loud.
So to end on a lighter note, in the post below is a video of Anna that makes my day every time I watch it.
Hey, the video is not on this post! I want to see it! Love the picture of Anna upside down. Great!
The video is in the post "Banana Ball" below. I was having trouble adding it to the post so I had to create a separate post for it. Sorry for the mix-up!
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